I was born in Heidelberg, Germany. Presently I live on the outskirts of Philadelphia in Upper Darby. This is where in 1993, after the death of my wife Mary, I raised our four children. I became a Certified Bio-Medical Technician. After which, I owned and operated an electronics repair shop, TLC of Technical Service, for about 20 years. I have a degree in biology and now make my livelihood presenting Living History at schools, historical sites, and historical events.
I authored “Edward ‘Ned’ Hector – Revolutionary War Hero”, and I am presently writing Ned Hector’s biography. I began presenting the hero Ned Hector in 1996 at Bywood School, where I would go into my daughter’s 4th grade class and do presentations on electricity and biology. Mrs. Freeberry, my daughter’s teacher, asked if I had any presentations for the subject of colonial America.
During recent genealogical research on my family I had learned about a black continental soldier who fought in the Battle of Brandywine and was held in such high regard by his community that they named a street after him in the mid 1850’s. I was amazed and fascinated by Edward Hector and the heritage of other black historical figures who contributed to America’s freedom.
After thinking over Mrs. Freeberry’s request, I informed her I would be honored to present this subject. Would she mind if I came dressed out? She gave me the nod, and I have returned many times since. In 2000 the suggestion was made that I should take this program to other schools. It sounded good, so I did. I presented Ned Hector in 28 schools that year and 43 the following year.
I am blessed to have the opportunity to continue with this tribute, and to aid in helping others to appreciate the contribution we Black people made to the freedom of all Americans. There is a part of me that hopes the souls of these amazing contributors to our freedom will rest more peaceful by giving them the honor they were denied for so many years.